Don’t Fall for Bank Impersonation Scams!
Fraudsters know that the majority of people will act quickly if they receive a text, call, or email claiming there’s an issue with their bank account.
A bank impersonation scam is when someone reaches out pretending to work at a credit union or bank you use. Most of these scams are executed to either steal your credit or debit card information, steal your online banking credentials, get you to hand over money, or to get around your credit union or bank’s security protections to access your accounts directly.

First Time Homebuyer Loan

Do you know if you qualify as a first-time homebuyer? The qualifications have changed for the better! If you have never owned a home or haven’t in seven years or more –  you are a First Time Homebuyer and this loan is made for you.

The Benefits of Aventa's First Time Homebuyer Loan

sheild Lend up to 98%, you only put 2% down
sheild Closing costs as low as $1,750
sheild Get financing up to $600,000

What are the benefits of the Aventa First Time Homebuyer Loan?

Our First Time Homebuyers Loan features competitive rates, bonus safety savings, and there is no mortgage insurance requirement. Connect our Mortgage team at 719.482.7600 for more information.