Don’t Fall for Bank Impersonation Scams!
Fraudsters know that the majority of people will act quickly if they receive a text, call, or email claiming there’s an issue with their bank account.
A bank impersonation scam is when someone reaches out pretending to work at a credit union or bank you use. Most of these scams are executed to either steal your credit or debit card information, steal your online banking credentials, get you to hand over money, or to get around your credit union or bank’s security protections to access your accounts directly.

Upcoming Events, Scheduled Closings, & Current Promotions

Auto Loan Discount

  • With an Aventa Checking Account, you can receive a 1.00% APR** discount on auto loans.
  • No Payments For The First 90 Days!

*Annual Percentage Rate. Loan application must be processed in-branch or contact center. Application fee required. New or used auto loans are eligible. Internal refinanced auto loans are excluded from discount. Must qualify for and open a Premium or Elite NOVA Perks checking account to receive discount. If opening an account at the Dublin, Cascade, Pueblo, Center, Salida, or Crestone branch, must qualify for and open a checking account to receive discount. First payment due within 90 days of loan closing. Underwriting and eligibility requirements apply. Offer is available for a limited time and is subject to change without notice. Insured by NCUA.

Blue Foundation Scholarship Opportunity

  • We are excited to announce the Blue Foundation Scholarship Opportunity, which aims to support and encourage students in our communities to achieve their academic goals. We are proud to award six $2,000 scholarships in memory of Myrtle Knight to high school seniors who are members of the credit union with a Share Savings account in their own name. The scholarship can be used at any accredited school of higher learning, including four-year colleges, two-year junior or community colleges, and accredited trade schools. We believe that education is the key to success, and we want to help make it more accessible to deserving students. We look forward to receiving applications from eligible students who are graduating in the spring of the current school year and planning to attend college full-time during the fall term. The deadline for submitting applications is May 1st, 2024.

To be eligible, applicants must: Be members of the credit union with a Share Savings account in their own name. Be graduating in the spring of the current school year and planning to attend college full time during the fall term. Use the scholarship at any accredited school of higher learning, including four-year colleges, two year junior or community colleges, and accredited trade schools.

It's official! As of March 1, 2024 Blue and Aventa joined forces!

Aventa has been your trusted partner since 1957. Now, we are joining forces with Blue Federal Credit Union for a shared commitment to be your life-long partner. This partnership, rooted in shared values and a commitment to member-centric service, is set to be finalized in early 2024, pending approval from Aventa’s membership. By bringing the two credit unions together, all members will have access to expanded products and services, the latest digital banking technology, and best-in-class member service at 27 branch locations throughout Colorado and Wyoming, a Contact Center, and a nationwide ATM/VTM network.

13-Month CD at 5.12% APY*

shield Wrap your family in the comfort of financial wellness!

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Fees may reduce earnings. Minimum investment of $500 and maximum of $500,000. Promotional rate effective 1/12/2024 and may end at any time. Penalty for early withdrawal. Member qualifications apply. Federally insured by NCUA.

Scheduled Closings

Aventa Credit Union branches will be closed for the following Holidays.

Martin Luther King Jr Day 15-Jan
Presidents Day 19-Feb
Memorial Day 27-May
Juneteenth 19-Jun
Independence Day 4-Jul
Labor Day 2-Sep
Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Columbus Day 14-Oct
Veterans Day 11-Nov
Thanksgiving Day 28-Nov
Christmas Day 25-Dec
New Year’s Eve 31-Dec