Don’t Fall for Bank Impersonation Scams!
Fraudsters know that the majority of people will act quickly if they receive a text, call, or email claiming there’s an issue with their bank account.
A bank impersonation scam is when someone reaches out pretending to work at a credit union or bank you use. Most of these scams are executed to either steal your credit or debit card information, steal your online banking credentials, get you to hand over money, or to get around your credit union or bank’s security protections to access your accounts directly.

Our member's peace of mind is our number one goal.

Aventa Credit Union is dedicated to protecting your identity and account information. We go above and beyond with products like intrustion software, biometrics, and multi-factor authentication.

Your funds are safe and secure.

shield Federally Insured Deposits Up to $250,000
shield Suspicious Account Activity Monitoring
shield Multi-Factor Log-In Authentication (MFA)/Biometrics

All deposits are federally insured up to $250,000 through the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, regulated by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). We are proactive in safeguarding your sensitive, personal, and confidential information, by monitoring your accounts for suspicious activity and fraud. Protecting this information makes it difficult for someone to assume your identity to commit fraud or other criminal acts.